Concept Mapping as a Faculty Development Process
As part of the faculty development process, ALOR project instructor leads and their educational technology specialist were invited to present on their project accomplishments and discuss the next phase of activity for their program or department. After sharing their work, each team were asked to create a concept map reflecting their experience in terms of the emergent strengths, as well as the ongoing challenges associated with advancing the ALOR initiatives. We also asked each team to share example strategies for improving ongoing faculty development and support in online course redesign. [ click image for full size ]
Team Feedback
This process facilitated planning as each divisional team reflected on their own success to date and their future direction. At the same time, common connections were evident across the divisions. Strengths gained from the project were reflected in the example strategies highlighted by the teams.
“Informed By and Informing” Institutional Perspectives
An important benefit of an enhanced network of colleagues is the opportunity to both inform and be informed by ongoing community events. In addition, the increased technical proficiency gained from ALOR project collaboration corresponds with the strategy to share (technical) resources. Taken together, the strengths already enjoyed by participants along with the implementation of the suggested strategies to support faculty will be of practical use to negotiate and solve the challenges identified. This in turn will inform ongoing institutional strategies and collective resolution of the challenges of sustainability, resourcing and involvement. [ click image for full size ]
Download the Concept Mapping as a Faculty Development Process document.
Additional ALOR Faculty Development Resources
Teaching & Learning with Technology Module
The module provides users with pedagogical theory behind the use of educational technologies while increasing comfort and familiarity with them. Read the full description of the module.
Faculty Development Workshop
This workshop focused on models of course design and effective active learning strategies. Read more about our ALOR workshop.
Presentations from the 9th annual Teaching and Learning Symposium
Working with Colleagues to Design the Curriculum of the Future
Digital Media Creation and Integration – Instructor and Student Perspectives
Student Engagement = Motivation + Active Learning